
Eligibility & Forms


Requirements for Trying Out for a Sport

A student may not begin practice until the following forms have been completed and turned into the office:

• Physical, Health History & Consent form

• Family & Coach Agreement

• Exception to Transportation form 

• Follow this link and complete the Brainbook Certification

• If the student is a transfer student, Mr. Fahrendorf or Mr. Watt needs to be contacted before trying out for any sport.


Please have this done as early in advance as possible but not less than one week prior to the start of practice.


Requirements for Playing in an Interscholastic Contest

Students will not be issued a game uniform nor will they be allowed to participate in an interscholastic contest until the following items have been completed:

• A copy of the student's birth certificate is on file

• The student satisfies all rules of academic eligibility - See Athletic Code - Item #5.

• A fully-signed copy of the athletic code (is) on file.

• All sports participation fees have been paid, $150.00 /sport. See the Athletic Director if you have any questions or concerns regarding the athletic fees.


Transfer Eligibility- Any student planning to play sports and who has transferred to St. Mary's from another high school from August 1, 2011 to the present must see the Athletic Director or Mr. Watt to receive eligibility information or clearance.  Students transferring schools are not eligible to participate in sports unless procedures and/or forms have been completed.  Not following these procedures would result in penalties for the school, the athletic program, and your child (forfeitures, sanctions, ineligibility, etc.).

The first step is to fill out Form 550 for Transferring Student Athletic Eligibility with the AIA.


Academic Eligibility (From the Student-Parent Handbook)

In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, students must maintain academic eligibility. If eligibility is lost, it may be regained at a subsequent scheduled eligibility check provided that the student meets the minimum

During the ineligible period, student-athletes may try out for a sport that begins in the following grading period, but they may not suit up, play with the team, or miss any class time until they regain eligibility.

A student who fails a second semester course must make up the credit deficiency before the start of the next school year in order to be eligible for fall sports or cocurricular activities. Official transcripts must be received by the Registrar by the first day of school. If the official transcripts are not received by this day, the student must wait until the first scheduled eligibility check to regain eligibility. The Registrar will notify the Athletic Director and Athletic Secretary of all verified grade changes, who will in turn notify coaches of a change in eligibility status. All grade submissions and changes are to occur during the school day, 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Grade submissions received after 3:00 p.m. will be processed the following school day.


Athletic Fee Receipt- There is a fee of $150.00 per sport due prior to competition, beginning in each athletic season.  Please plan and prepare to pay this fee at least 7-10 days prior to the first game.  Any students whose fee has not been paid will not be eligible to participate in a game/match.  Do not wait until the week of the first game as we may not be able to accommodate issuing a uniform.  Check with the Business Office about multi-student discounts for children of the same family playing sports during the same season (Fall, Winter or Spring).


Athletic Equipment- Uniforms and equipment provided by the school must be returned at the conclusion of the season.  Items not returned will be charged to student's account.